Meanderings about my forthcoming memoir Janurary 4th 2022
My memoirs, February 12, 2019
WONDERFUL THINGS ARE HAPPENING TODAY. I feel I need to keep telling myself that.
Waking up I realize another exciting adventure is here.
Yea sure, back home in Seattle and things are starting to be predictable again.
I tell myself such things so as to enliven myself, as if with a magical, stimulating unicorn prod.
I’m not so much writing this book for others, or to have it be a successful bestseller, as to simply help me see my life in perspective, which may lead to something changing,more satisfying. (I hope, I hope!)
A sweet spot to finally put all those scraps of paper, poems, quotes which I love to collect.
Sit down type it up.
Turkey, India, China…Oh my!
What did it all mean? I am a world traveler and I did it by having someone else pay for my ticket. I sing for my journey. I am a globetrotting chanteuse.
Still, it is lonely in this surreal adventure. Why can’t I embrace this experience more? Why can’t I love being abroad just a little more?
As much as I love all the excitement, adulation, variety and stimulation of a new culture, now at the ripe age of 58 I’m wondering if it’s just too hard for me ? Like my fearless, intrepid, inner explorer is getting tired of the confusing ‘reward ‘of it all.
I need to do one more trip. ZANZIBAR and Tasmania keep running cross my mind. These exotic names evoke a more interesting place than they possibly really are. I hope the romance of travel is not totally gone.
This world is so romantically divine and perfect for love. But where’s mine?
Things are changing everywhere. I find corporate take -over, exploiting the poor, audaciously disappearing them when buying up the land, for instance, becomes cause for concern.
I ask do I even want to do this again? Maybe, as I go through my vivacious, esoteric and sometimes eccentric song repertoire, I will see what I want to deeply develop and share with this sad world. The songs I choose to sing represent the real ‘Julie’ and what I am going through? Do I have that repertoire? Does it exist yet?
I have changed. What IF I only had one year left of this precious life to experience? I would want to make these last happenings my most authentic moments.
There is no time to waste! I have to choose 20 songs. And then, darling it’s over. 20 songs to learn deeply, and have them be perfect, polished like my family gems. And then soon enough, it will all be over. Yes, that’s a great premise to light a fire under one’s lazy bones. (I’m not lazy about this, just feeling a constant, low level state of confused creativity) Haven’t artists always been like this? Depressed! There are too many songs I love to sing. Falling in Love With Norway was one of my latest.
The Spanish songs, so romantic, I must include Alejate; Poinciena; Besame Mucho. Ah Besame Mucho was hot for me in Paris in the late 80’s, but now, now what?